This course is DMV certified for students of all ages who have failed the general knowledge test 3 times.

After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible to take the general knowledge exam for the fourth time and thereafter

Discover Driving with Passion: Your Journey, Our Commitment.

Individuals Age 17 and under

Individuals age 17 and under may take the Driver’s Manual course if they have already completed the 36 fifty-minute period classroom component of driver education. They must submit a certificate of completion such as a DEC-1 (from the public or private school) or DTS 36 (from a DMV-licensed driver training school) to the email address of the driver training school that will be providing the Driver’s Manual course before they enroll in the Driver’s Manual Course.

Individuals Age 18 and above

Individuals age 18 and above do not have to take the classroom component of driver education in order to provide the Driver’s Manual course.

Discover More Services

Driver’s Education Course

Adult Waiver Program

Behind the Wheel

Interpreting and Translations